When I was about 27 years old, our financial advisor suggested we put all our money into a High Tech sector mutual fund right before the dot-com bubble burst. After it did burst, our portfolio dropped in value about 70%. Blammo! The fortunate thing was our portfolio was only worth about $12000 pre-pop. The really bad thing was that we had worked very hard as students to accumulate that money and we were really saddened to see our money evaporate like that. About 6 months later, we pulled our money from that advisor and went off on our own. We taught ourselves the ins and outs of investing, debt management, assets vs liabilities, tax strategies, stocks, options, bonds and all the other stuff. We have a set of rules that we have established for ourselves, and have used these rules to build up a modest asset base that helps pay the bills. We have always strived to squeeze the most out of the money we have, and to use it wisely so as to get good value from it. This blog will be the first time that my/our money rules will be documented. I initially wanted to write a book about money, and perhaps someday I will, but for now I will just document some of the learnings we've come to believe are important for proper stewardship of our money. Some of our rules buck conventional wisdom (such as what we define as an asset, diversification, rebalancing etc), but they are all based on experience and trial and error... lots and lot of errors. We also may have a different perspective or tolerance level than other prople with respect to risk and risk management. These are things you should consider before doing anything with your money.
These rules may not fit for everyone, but the have worked and continue to work for us. However, I don't recommend anything here. According to regulations, I am not qualified to give financial advice... so don't construe anything I write about here as a recommendation to go do the same thing. Note that some of our money rules and practices could be considered unconventional or fly in the face of what typical Financial Advisors might recommend. It is up to you to determine what will work for you. Do your own due diligence when doing any investing or financial management.
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